Hello, here is few instructions if some one want to rebuild the AMD ROCm packages on Slackware x64_64 15+ current I grant permision to every one, to modify the scripts, to publish them, to put his name as a author or what every want to do with them. Just with one wishies, please keep the Slackware community informed if you could be able to improve them. THANK YOU. I think now the virtual env it's not necessary because every package make his own virtualenv First you need to create your Python virtual environment with: python3 -m venv /your/path and activate it, latter most of the packages that you will need will be install with pip3 install pakckage_name expect: Tensile I was not able to install it into virtual environment it's installed but the package was not found it so I installed it as a system package. Next: You need to activate the environment file with: source rocm-environment.sh where I put some stuffs to did not write them every time. Next: I added two files with required packages: cpackage-requirements python-requirements install them. First C requirements then python requirements. I made one folder external where I put the packages which it's not packet by me. After compilation the C packages most of them can be removed. Only numactl and openblas is used. Next: Build and Install the ROCm version script, after build and install it check /opt/rocm/.info/version file should contain the ROCm version like: 6.1.0 not anything else like 6.1.0-99 or 60100. Try not to change the directory and library (i.e. rocm-6.1.0 and lib64). I spent a lot's of time to figured it out, some cmake files it's just hard coded to look for library into /opt/rocm/lib some other it's seems fixed and looked into /opt/rocm/lib64 so I made the symlink, also the same with llvm package. My first try was to change the rocm verison to /opt/rocm-6.0.2 and library to lib64 ... big mistake but was too late when I understand it. Anyway. Next: Follow the build order scripts and good luck. Few notes: AMDMIGraphX-rocm-6.x.0 - If you want to compile this project, you will need to figure out how deep is the rabit hole. The project need TBB, LLVM with syfs plugin (need to recompile systen LLVM), Intel compiler which is 2+ GB and finally to modify src/CMakeLists.txt around line 313 remove find_package(msgpackc-cxx QUIET) and next line if(NOT msgpackc-cxx_FOUND) and add find_package(msgpack-cxx QUIET) Enjoy. Have fun and cheers, Condor